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As a parent, what laws affect your rights and freedoms to raise your children? Where can these laws be found? What do they say?

With more than ten separate 50-state surveys published and many more on the horizon, we are pleased to announce that our entire Law and Policy Vault is now available to everyone for FREE!
Simply by creating a free login, parents can now access our legal research database—regardless of your membership status.

The Vault covers subjects like:
  • Vaccine mandates for homeschoolers
  • When parents can leave a child unattended at home
  • Minor consent to healthcare
  • Corporal discipline
  • Child abuse reporting data/laws
  • And much more!

Every subject addresses the law in all 50 states plus D.C. and includes:
  • A brief summary of your state’s law, plus an article explaining the topic
  • Our grade based on the law’s effect on parental rights
  • Citations to the statutes, regulations, and court cases
  • Helpful links to government websites, where applicable

At Heritage Defense we believe in parents making informed decisions for their own children—free from unnecessary government interference. The more you know, the better decisions you can make.
Heritage Defense Foundation contributed to the information on this site. Donate to help fund additional research.
Information on this site is not legal advice or a substitute for legal advice.